Hip Hop 50th Screening
Ana Rokafella Garcia on March 2, 2023
We are so excited to bring you a Women’s History Month screening of our Bgirl Documentary on March 17th at the Legendary Nuyorican Poets Cafe from 6-830p with special guests Sha Rock ( who is a pioneer MC and Bgirl) and just confirmed Aiko Shirakawa who is featured in the film as a pioneer from the West Coast as a Popper and Locker!
It has been a while since our team has been able to get together but the pandemic really had an impact on our daily and monthly operations since 2020. We are happy to see so many Bgirls are active and preparing to enter the Olympic arena for Paris 2024!!!
It is the 50th anniversary of Hip hop and we are elated to screen this film in the birthplace during Women’s History Month at the Legendary Nuyorican Poets Cafe that is presently under the leadership of Caridad De La Luz / La Bruja! Hats off to her!
If you want to screen this film any time this year or beyond, do not hesitate to contact us here!
We are happy to partner with local dance groups like Bgirl Herstory, Cuda Culture and NYC Bgirl Sessions! Shout to Momma’s Hip hop Kitchen who always repped in March in the Bronx and always donated some of their funds to our yearly fund raising campaigns!!!!!
- Category: Events, News
- Tag: Bgrils, Dancers, floorsisters